Thanksgiving 2012

[vimeo clip_id=”55477933″ height=”” width=”650″] It was my first thanksgiving at home in years. It was worth documenting.

Headshot Packages

Great actors need great headshots. If you need an updated headshot to accommodate your new look or to reflect expanded range, new headshots are a great way to show that. My philosophy when it comes to headshot portraiture is this: you should look like you on a great...

Hire Me

In addition to motion design and photography, I’ve got a few more tricks up my sleeve… Web Design I’m proficient in: HTML/CSS PHP Wordpress A working knowledge of Actionscript jQuery Do you need help translating a design from Photoshop/Illustrator to a...

The New Taboos

Every year brings change and this is no different. Why should it be? While we all deal with our personal issues, it’s important to put them into context of our society at large. Why? Well, put into context, issues seem both easier to deal with and easier to...